NOTIZIA VERA India, stupra una ragazza in pieno giorno nel bel mezzo di una strada affollata: i passanti non intervengono
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In questi giorni Libero ha pubblicato:
Orrore puro. Uno stupro in pieno giorno nel bel mezzo di una strada affollata. La vittima una donna con dei problemi mentali, l’aguzzino un uomo ubriaco. E a rendere ancor più mostruosa la vicenda, l’indifferenza dei passanti: camminano, neppure si fermano, continuano come se nulla fosse. Il filmato arriva da Visakhapatnam, nell’Andhra Pradesh, in India. La donna, si è appreso, dopo aver vagato senza cibo per due giorni (era scappata di casa dopo un litigio col marito) si stava riposando sotto un albero. E proprio sotto a quell’albero è stata aggredita dalla bestia, Ganji Siva (nelle foto), spazzino 23enne, che completamente ubriaco si è avvicinato a lei, ha calato i pantaloni e ne ha abusato. Successivamente, la bestia è stata fermata. Il filmato, però, è finito online scatenando la rabbia e l’indignazione del web.
La notizia è partita dai media indiani. Esistono diversi servizi, come ad esempio quello di ABN Telegu o quello invece di India Today, che linkiamo perché in lingua inglese:
Tra le fonti italiane, Il Messaggero riporta l’episodio con più dettagli rispetto a Libero. La completa indifferenza della gente è palese nel video. Tra le fonti estere, riportiamo Metro:
A woman in her 20s has been raped under a tree where she was resting despite being in a busy place at the time. Nobody is said to have intervened to help her as she was attacked by a 23-year-old man and some people actually filmed what was going on. Others simply walked past without batting an eyelid as they walked past her in the city of Visakhapatnam in the Bay of Bengal. A man by the name of Ganji Siva has been taken into custody. He is not known by the victim who had fled her family home after an argument with her husband. Police sub-inspector K Suresh told the Hindustan Times: ‘Apparently she was very weak as she had not eaten for several hours and was sleeping on the footpath under the shadow of a tree when Siva, in an inebriated condition, assaulted her sexually.
‘Passers-by did not bother to stop him even as the woman was too weak to even scream.’ A rickshaw driver on the opposite side of the road filmed what happened and handed it to police. By the time they arrived the attacker had fled the scene but they were soon able to identify the suspect as a result of the footage and witness accounts. He is in police custody awaiting trial.
La vicenda ha degli aggiornamenti. Times of India scrive:
VISAKHAPATNAM: Two days after the shocking rape of a 43-year-old woman by a drunk youth on a footpath near a kalyana mandapam in the city went viral, the Visakhapatnam city police are now checking the antecedents of 23-year-old Ganji Siva.
Police said Siva has been a habitual offender since his teenage days. He was first jailed in 2012 for motorcycle theft in IV Town police station limits. Siva lost his father at an early age and lived with his mother, who works as a domestic help. As he was addicted to ganja and alcohol, he used to demand money from his mother. “He used to beat her up when she refused to give him money. He was hell bent upon having his liquor quota for the day,” a police official not wanting to be named said.
When he ran out of money, Siva used to resort to thefts and house burglaries. “He would strike at isolated places and target bike riders and women and steal their gold chains. He occasionally worked as a lorry cleaner to earn some money and buy liquor,” a police official said.
Sub-inspector of IV Town police station K Suresh told TOI that Siva’s blood samples have been sent for medical tests to check his liquor content. Police found him dead drunk when he raped the hapless woman on Sunday.
Meanwhile, sources said the victim was not a destitute or a beggar as reported in a section of the media. The victim, who was married, has two daughters. Her elder daughter is married. The victim has since been taken to her home by her parents and family after she was dischareged from King George Hospital.
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