DISINFORMAZIONE In Europa crescono i crimini legati all'odio contro i cristiani – Bufale.net

di David Tyto Puente |

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DISINFORMAZIONE In Europa crescono i crimini legati all'odio contro i cristiani – Bufale.net Bufale.net

Andando nello specifico, nell’area del sito Hatecrime.osce.org troviamo maggiori informazioni riguardanti agli anni 2013 e 2014.
Nel 2013:

Official figures record 226 anti-religious crimes, including 13 physical assaults, 90 property damage crimes, four cases of vandalism, 39 of threats and 80 other crimes, including three committed online and 77 unspecified.
The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and the Italian Observatory on Christianophobia reported 23 incidents of the desecration of places of worship, one of which was also reported by the Holy See. The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians recorded one additional desecration incident. Both observatories reported three incidents of damage to property and four incidents of arson, with the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians reporting an additional arson. This organization also reported one incident of graffiti. World Without Nazism reported two incident of the desecration of a place of worship and two incidents of damage to property.
The Holy See reported nine cases of the desecration of cemeteries, ten cases of church burglaries or thefts during which the hosts were stolen and two cases of vandalism motivated by bias against Christians. Italian authorities reported back that religious bias motivation was not registered in those cases.

Su 226 crimini anti religiosi, 23 riguardano casi di profanazione e luoghi di culto cristiani. Tra i reati conteggiati ci sono anche profanazioni di cimiteri, casi di furti in chiesa e furti a case private. Sempre secondo il rapporto le autorità italiane hanno riferito che dietro a questi casi non ci sarebbero pregiudizi religiosi.
Nel 2014:

Official figures recorded 153 anti-religious crimes, including six assaults, 16 property damage crimes, 44 cases of theft or robbery, 20 cases of threats and 67 other crimes.
The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians reported the attempted murder of a Christian Nigerian woman, one incident of damage to a church and an arson attack on a nativity scene.
Jehovah’s Witnesses – Italy reported two physical assaults, including one causing serious injuries, one arson attack on a place of worship, two incidents of threats, two incidents of graffiti, and one incident of damage to a place of worship.
World Without Nazism reported an arson attack against a Catholic school, two incidents of vandalism and one incident of the desecration of a church.
The Holy See reported five incidents of the desecration of cemeteries, four incidents of burglaries or thefts in churches in which communion bread was stolen, and three cases of vandalism. The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe (OIDC) also reported one of these thefts and one of the incidents of vandalism. The Holy See additionally reported two incidents of graffiti and one incident of damage to property.

Su 153 casi registrati contro le religioni, il report cita il tentato omicidio di una donna nigeriana cristiana, un episodio ai danni di una chiesa e un incendio doloso in un presepe, un attacco incendiario contro una scuola cattolica, episodi di vandalismo (tra cui grafiti) e ed episodi di profanazione ad una chiesa e a dei cimiteri, oltre ai soliti furti.
Considerando ora i dati riportati da altri enti e non dalle autorità, alla voce “Civil society information”, si hanno soltanto quelli relativi al 2014:
Non vi sono in questo report dei dettagli tali da dire che siano incrementati i crimini contro i cristiani rispetto ad altre religioni negli ultimi anni. È evidente, piuttosto, l’aumento dei crimini per razzismo e xenofobia. Di questo, però, non se ne parla nell’articolo de Il Giornale.

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