Categorie: Hoax

CONFIRMED – Cerebral palsy affected boy killed by his father

This was a rather gruesome story which was begged for confirmation from one of our readers. The reader asked us about what he perceived as a presumingly false story about “a boy hacked down by his own father” and the father being found not guilty of the murder, which has circulated on the Italian side of Facebook for some time.
It has been tough to look for any news confirming this. Normally, we don’t bring our attention to these forms of “chinese whispers”, i.e. news that have no specific context to look at. Thankfully, the reader has been kind enough to give us more proper information for his request, and this was the result. The story has been confirmed true on February 2014, but it dates back to sometime in 2011.
Yes, a man killed his son affected with cerebral palsy. As Mail Online gives out,

[the kid] was wheelchair bound and needed a feeding tube having been born with cerebral palsy. [The father] is said to have told police that he did it because ‘he’d gotten to the point where he was tired of taking care’ of the boy’. Police Chief Scott Silverii said: ‘He told us when he put his head out by the side of the road it was so the mother would see it when she came by.’

The reason behind this gruesome murder, according to the father, is pointless: the only explanation given to the authority was

‘just that he wanted her to feel stupid when she saw the head’.

In 2014, the judges eventually found him not guilty of the murder for reasons of insanity. As CBS News explains,

According to a sworn police statement, Wright told investigators he had recently seen signs that made him believe he was living with a CPR dummy rather than his son. Those signs, he said, included being defecated and urinated on the morning he decapitated and dismembered the boy, whom he referred to throughout the statement as “the dummy.” He also told police he and the boy’s mother had fought the evening before, and that she had told him she was moving him out of the house.

Again, this has been a very dark and disturbing story to write about. The only reason why we did this is only because we wanted to give out the actual context of the story. That is all: we do not indulge in any form of manhunt, nor promote any kind of vigilantism. This was a story originally confined to the US, and that Facebook users made it worldwide for indignation purpouses. No violence will avenger the death of the boy, nor justify your actions.

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