BUFALA Gabbie minuscole per vitelli fino alla Morte – bufale.net


This is not graphic or gory — but no less deplorable. Apparently, this is in Oregon. Each crate has a calf in it, removed from their mother one hour after they were born. The mother had enough time to clean up the birth, lick, smell and intially bond with the calf, before they were taken away to live in boxes. Death will ensue in approximately six weeks. Until then, here they remain, unable to move, so as to make their meat ‘tender.’ Then they become veal steaks. Please everyone, for the sake of all — go vegan.
Questo non è un fotomontaggio e non è cruento, ma non è meno deplorevole . Ogni cassa contiene un vitello ,tolto alla madre un’ora dopo il parto . La madre ha avuto abbastanza tempo per ripulire, leccare , annusare e instaurare  un legame con il vitello . Saranno uccisi in circa sei settimane . Fino ad allora , qui rimangono , incapace di muoversi , in modo da rendere la loro carne ‘ tenera . ‘ Poi diventano bistecche di vitello . Si prega di condividere tutti , per il bene di tutti – go vegan .

Come al solito , basta un’inquadratura “furba” e la situazione cambia: quelle sono delle specie di “casette” per i nuovi nati in cui rimangono sino a svezzamento, per poi essere trasferiti in recinti più grandi http://dairycarrie.com/2014/08/04/earthlingsmovielies/ (grazie a Stefano Botta).
In questo caso la notizia è stata alterata (Quindi BUFALA) asserendo che i vitelli moriranno in quei recinti, mentre invece verranno trasferiti in strutture a norma dopo lo svezzamento.

Bellissimo questo commento che ha ricevuto 22k di like

For those of you that are touting the “go Vegan”, have you ever spent time on a “real” farm? My family still farms. The cows are treated very well, tended to daily. I remember as a child I had to feed the cows before “I” got fed. My Father is very humane. I trust the beef as it’s not pumped full of hormones, the calves are allowed to suckle and be w Mom, etc.
Same with chickens on “real” farms. Most of these kinds of posts show factory farms. Many of those animals are kept in horrendous conditions and pumped full of chemicals. Eating meat is NOT a bad thing at all, just be smart and know where it comes from and how it was raised. Support your local farmers!


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