BUFALA Si fanno un selfie con il Leone ucciso e vengono sbranati da un altro leone – bufale.net

di LO SBUFALATORE Claudio Michelizza |

bufala sindaco di lonigo
BUFALA Si fanno un selfie con il Leone ucciso e vengono sbranati da un altro leone – bufale.net Bufale.net


Due cacciatori di trofei festeggiano la loro caccia grossa i Sudafrica. Hanno appena ucciso uno splendino leone da aggiungere alla loro collezione di macabri trofei. Per l’occasione si scattano un selfie. Ma sarà il loro ultimo selfie….

Il filmato è una Bufala, il video originale è stato postato il 7 giugno su youtube:

Si nota un leone che si fa strada all’orizzonte ripreso dalla fotocamera ad incredibile velocità (e senza fare rumore). Questo filmato-bufala utilizza l’immagine di un leone che è stato ucciso nel 2013 e non nel 2016 come viene invece dichiarato su YouTube:



Una serie di fotografie furono postate in data 28 aprile 2013 sul sito web Hunting Grounds in relazione ad una caccia al leone in Sud Africa senza menzionare nessun incidente:

Wow. I do not really know where to begin in this story of how I got the massive Lion. Let us back up to January of 2013 to when it all started…

The next encounter was the same but he walked out of the thicks and saw him at about 100 yards. This lion was HUGE! larger than what everyone thought when they took the original photo. I got him in my scope but he was trotting away from us and I didn’t shoot. Then the lion ran like hell knowing he was being hunted. We spent another hour tracking him down and didn’t see him. I felt discouraged.

We kept on going on the tracks. The bushmen were amazing trackers, nothing like you would see anywhere. Well, not expecting anything to happen as it was getting really hot and only a couple hours left until sunset the bushmen stopped and the whole team stopped very quickly. Ahead of us was the lion in the bushes…about 7 yards in front of us. We could see that he was pissed and crouched down. He was moving his body around and either he was going to run away or run at us. So, I got him in my sites and BOOM! Nailed him in the spine and got one lung. Lucky shot it was. If I would have missed or even got a true lung/vital shot he would have ran at us or ran away while dying and the other PH’s would have shot him for our protection because I would not have had time to reload.

The lion was down and was not moving. He was dying slowly from the shot. So to end his life quicker I finished him off with another shot.

Si tratta quindi un un videomontaggio che utilizza la fotografia del leone del 2013 in primo piano.
Secondo Snopes questo video potrebbe essere stato utilizzato come parte di una campagna anti-caccia.

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