Il Mossad ha sabotato Malaysia Airlines MH370 – bufala

di LO SBUFALATORE Claudio Michelizza |

bufala sindaco di lonigo
Il Mossad ha sabotato Malaysia Airlines MH370 – bufala

L’8 marzo 2014, il sito web NODISINFO.COM ha pubblicato un articolo dichiarando che l’agenzia di intelligence israeliana Mossad ha sabotato Malaysia Airlines MH370, che scomparve nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, con 239 persone (227 passeggeri e 12 membri dell’equipaggio) a bordo :

Who blew up the Malaysian Airlines aircraft en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing? Who was on that jet that would be necessary to assassinate? It was surely destroyed through sabotage. Stolen passports were used by unknown individuals to apparently board the jets. The use of two stolen passports has been confirmed. Who else is there to suspect other than the Mossad? It is that entity alone which has a history of committing such high crimes through the use of forged identities.
It is their exclusive system, that is these rabid Zionist Jews, who plot and commit great crimes against humanity, murdering people outright through the means of deception – assisted through the reliance on forged identities.
This could not be a coincidence. Some group of treacherous ones plotted a plot to take down that jet, killing all on-board. The use of the stolen passports is categorical proof of such a plot, and the likely culprit is the Mossad.

Questo articolo è sono stato diffuso attraverso i social media scambiandolo per una notizia vera e propria. Tuttavia era solo un altra bufala di NODISINFO.COM, un sito web simile al corrieredelmattino che pubblica articoli inutili e di dubbia autenticità.

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